Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Depressed and Confused

I am really really messed up.  It was this time last year that I very seriously embarked on getting healthy.  I exercised more in the past 12 months then I have in my entire adult life.  I made better, healthier choices and I felt positive change.

Then, 2 months ago, once we returned from a great vacation, my back was in a lot of pain.  I have had continual chiropractic treatments, deep tissue massage and am now on my 2nd prescription with xrays yesterday.  My body doesn't not feel like my own anymore.  I cannot wear my clothes, I need help to get up and down often, walking doesn't last long nor does standing.  Different seats cause different degrees of discomfort or pain.  I am depressed and confused and what do I do when this is the case?  I eat sugary things.  : (

My weight buddy, who was on here with me and on the journey towards good health this year is doing nothing short of amazing.  I am proud of her and thrilled for her.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

A New Discovery

Thursday, when I was at work I was wearing capris because it was so nice out. So anyways, I looked down and saw a line on my leg. My first thought WTH???? I have never seen that before what is it? As I was looking more closely, inspecting this new find, my coworker looked up and saw that I was looking at my leg. She said "Wow !! Kathleen, Your legs muscles are really well defined - they look really nice" I looked up at her and looked down at my leg again and said "So that's what that line is there? Muscles?" she laughed like I made a joke, I smiled and enjoyed feeling proud of my newly defined "muscles" lol

Today marks 4 weeks of my new lifestyle.
Things I have noticed:

- I no longer am out of breath walking up my 6 flights of stairs - I used to hold onto the railing to pull me up and had to rest half way up. Now I sprint up without holding the banister, with out stopping.

- I have oodles of more energy

- my stomach has shrunk (the inside) I fill up alot faster now.

- I crave exercise or rather the feeling I have afterwards. LOVE IT !!!!

- Vegetables !!! Can't get enough !!

Things I have decided:

- Chocolate is my crack I know that I can not stop at one bar or one bunny. I know that it will only make me crave more. So I have decided to NOT have any Easter chocolate. I am worth much more than any easter egg or bunny.

Gotta run and get ready to go get groceries !!!
Chat soon,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Addicted to walking :)

Since I got home from Disney, I have had a new outlook. If I could put all my energy and focus towards a goal like taking my kids to Disney, then I could also put those skills towards another goal.

Hence my new challenge. :D

I am applying my focus to getting healthy. I have been recording my food on http://www.sparkpeople.com/ and doing cardio Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and strength training on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

I don't know what was wrong Sunday...was just blah :( but yesterday I was off work (so had no excuse to walk to work) For the past two weeks I have been walking 6-7 kms 3 times a week. So I walked from my place to Citadel Hill, went up (without stopping - nearly died) - not really lol - and went around a couple times pumping my arms :) and then walked down the other side to Sackville street and walked down to the waterfront. I sat there (after strretching of course) :) and had my lunch that I packed. I then took a bus home.I mapped the route on www.mappingmyfitness.com and it was an 8.67 walk!!! :D I felt much better. I think I'm addicted to that feeling afterwards :) I guess there is worse things to be addicted to.

I had thought at first to take Sunday off - but now I think I will still get out and walk but I will coax my unsuspecting kids out with me on Sundays. I will take it easier and only walk 3 kms with them. ;)

talk later,

Confused and Wanting to Re-focus

I realize I have not blogged on here FOREVER.  How many blog posts across the internet start out this way? An absolute ton from what I can see and imagine.

The past 12 months have included a lot of great successes for me.  About 10 months ago, I had become a member of Weight Watchers and was having success and tremendous kinship with and about it with my dear friend, K.  Then I ate healthy and was very active in the summer even though WW fell by the wayside.  In the fall, I registered for a Booty Boot Fitness Camp and while it had moments when it seriously kicked my butt, I also had moments of tremendous pride thinking wow, this is getting easier.  I joined a gym and had several sessions with a personal trainer and set some goals and went somewhat consistently to the gym from November to the end of January 2011.  February arrived and I got to the gym a couple times before heading to Florida on the 10th.  Three weeks of vacationing and indulging with a lot of walking in there too.  This pretty much brings us to now.  I have been home for a month and I had a bad chest infection for several weeks and a lot of dizziness and wooziness as well as some nausea.  I have a doctor's appt for all that as well as Chiro for my back which is quite unhappy.

Meanwhile, my dear friend, K, is currently a walking fiend.  She is doing PHENOMENALLY walking lengthy powerwalks, going to the gym and seeing a personal trainer.  She is definitely inspirational.  I want her energy, passion and enthusiasm to spill over onto me.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Please back on the wagon.... fingers crossed

1 piece toast: 2 pts, 1 tsp margarine: 1 pt, 1 egg: 2 pt, 1/2 tsp ketchup: 0 pt:  total = 5 pts
1 apple juice 200 ml - 2 pts
1 bowl yogurt = 1.5 pts
total of bfast = 8.5 pts

Lonely & Soooo Not Easy

Hi there world,

so it seems I have lost my Weight Watcher buddy and am going it alone. I am having a brutal time getting motivated to count points again. :(

I did join Booty Camp Fitness and am hoping that this huge challenge can also getting me going on points too.

I really miss my buddy though. :(